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18.15 Hours
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A popular course among students
This course expands the knowledge of a construction project manager to include an understanding of economics and the mathematics of money, an essential component of every construction project. Topics covered include the time value of money, the definition and calculation of the types of interest rates, and the importance of Cash Flow Diagrams.
The course covers these topics in three sections. The first section focuses on the foundation of building the mathematics of money, often referred to as value of money. It also highlights the present value techniques and the internal rate of return from a construction manager point of view.
The second section of the course focuses on vertical construction finance and the last part focuses on horizontal construction finance. Under the vertical construction finance, the instructor discusses real estate finance and how that has been done with more in-depth details and gives examples for students to solve with instructions.
The last topic, horizontal finance, is divided into two parts. To begin, the instructor introduces vast details about public private partnership. This module highlights around three case studies about PPP projects, which would be an introduction to project financing in horizontal work. After introducing case studies, the instructor demonstrates the risks associated with construction finance. After that, similar to the previous three courses, the course finishes with emphasizing the importance of construction finance.
This Course is part of a program
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Such as Finance, Leadership and Management, Project Management, Investment Management, Accounting, Risk Management, Strategy and Operations