Continuing Education

SAP Customer Engagement and Discovery

0 credit hours

Credits awarded upon completion


Progress at your own speed

13 hours

Estimated learning time

About the Course


SAP Customer Engagement and Discovery is the third course in the SAP Technology Consultant Professional Certificate program. The course introduces you to SAP Activate methodology and teaches you how to engage with customers and work with them in exploring how to achieve their transformation goals.

You’ll learn how to gather information and insights about a customer’s business, technology, and data. You’ll investigate SAP’s fit-to-standard analysis approach. You’ll consider how to accurately understand and assess a client’s needs. And you’ll look at SAP’s Customer Journey Roadmap, which includes how to identify and communicate the value of a solution to stakeholders and get signoff.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
Describe the key elements of the SAP Activate methodology and Customer Engagement Model.
Explain the program planning and set up activities for a typical SAP customer project.
Explain what a technology consultant does in the Customer Engagement and Discovery phase of SAP projects.
Explain how to gather relevant information and insights about customer strategy, objectives, processes, technology, and data.
Describe how to conduct discovery workshops and interviews.
Explain SAP's fit-to-standard approach and key preparation activities and develop a Customer Journey Roadmap.
Identify and communicate the business value of a proposed SAP solution.

This Course is part of a program

You can only buy it along with program.




Delivery method



  • 0 Credits

    Academic Excellence

    Earn necessary number of credit hours for completing this content

  • Hone Important Skills

    Total Upgrade

    Such as Leadership and Management, Business Analysis, Strategy and Operations, Business Transformation, Experience, Customer Experience