Information Technology
Continuing Education

Introduction to NoSQL Databases

0 credit hours

Credits awarded upon completion


Progress at your own speed

18 hours

Estimated learning time

About the Course


Get started with NoSQL Databases with this beginner friendly introductory course! This course will provide you with technical hands-on knowledge of NoSQL databases and Database-as-a-Service (DaaS) offerings. With the advent of Big Data and agile development methodologies, NoSQL databases have gained a lot of relevance in the database landscape. Their main advantage is the ability to effectively handle scalability and flexibility issues raised by modern applications.

You will start this course by learning the history and the basics of NoSQL databases and discover their key characteristics and benefits. You will learn about the four categories of NoSQL databases and how they differ from each other. You’ll also explore the differences between the ACID and BASE consistency models, the pros and cons of distributed systems, as well as when to use RDBMS and when to use NoSQL.

Next, you will explore the architecture and features of several different implementations of NoSQL databases, namely MongoDB, Cassandra, and IBM Cloudant. You will learn about the common tasks that each of them perform and their key and defining characteristics.

You will then get hands-on experience using those NoSQL databases to perform standard database management tasks, such as creating and replicating databases, loading and querying data, modifying database permissions, indexing and aggregating data, and sharding (or partitioning) data.

At the end of this course, you will complete a final project where you will apply all your knowledge of the course content to a specific scenario and work with several NoSQL databases. This course is suitable for anyone wanting to expand their skill set in Data Management and Information Technology.

This Course is part of a program

You can only buy it along with program.




Delivery method



  • 0 Credits

    Academic Excellence

    Earn necessary number of credit hours for completing this content

  • Hone Important Skills

    Total Upgrade

    Such as NoSQL, Databases, SQL, Data Management, Database Design, Database Administration, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Data Model, Data Architecture, Cloudant, Cloud Databases, Mongodb