
Teachers Aide

0 credit hours

Credits awarded upon completion


Progress at your own speed

4 hours

Estimated learning time

About the Certificate


Teacher’s aides can be found in classrooms all around the country, lending their support and skills to primary teachers to ensure students get the guidance they need to learn and develop. On any given day, these professionals perform a variety of tasks that will help ensure a safe and nurturing environment for the students. In addition to taking attendance and collecting homework, these professional may also record grades, prepare material for future lessons, enforce classroom rules, and help teachers create lesson plans.


  • Designed to be effective, our online program is immersive and engaging, offering everything you will need to work as a Teachers Aides. You'll study everything about Early Childhood Education, curriculum development and classroom management. You'll also learn about designing age related activities, self-regulation as well as about development of a nurturing environment. Part of the training is supporting the primary teachers in educational, instructional tasks as well as support for maintaining relations between parents and the teachers. The certification trains for the use Microsoft Office and everything else that is needed to get certified and begin your career.


  • Prior experience is not a requirement for us. The only requirement is that you have either completed, or are currently enrolled for completing, your GED or high school diploma. That's it!




Delivery method



  • 0 Credits

    Academic Excellence

    Earn necessary number of credit hours for completing this content

  • Professional Program

    Launch of Career

    Teacher's Aide (TCHR)

  • Hone Important Skills

    Total Upgrade

    Such as What You'll Learn : What is Teachers Aides: Early Childhood Education (ECE), having a successful career and your roles and responsibilities Learn curriculum development, current issues in the ECE and implications of ECE for children, families and societies ​Assess foundational developments of early education, theoretical and historical understanding ​Define standards and regulations related to educational activities, as well as designing age appropriate activities Understand individual and cultural differences, being inclusive and responsible ​Evaluate emotional support, self-regulation, and challenging behaviour among children ​Understand relations between childcare workers, educators and parents ​​Describe nurturing and caring environment, as well as engaging and thoughtful learning experiences for the children ​Formulate support for primary teachers by taking on educational, instructional, supervisory and clerical tasks in day to day activities and projects ​Characterize planning, documenting, assessment and communication strategies as well as teaching techniques ​​Use Microsoft Office


This course will prepare you for the following certifications:

  • Teacher's Aide (TCHR), offered through the National Workforce Career Association (NWCA)

Pangea Learning's three-pillar learning model is comprised of quality skill-building, financing opportunities, and post-course job placement services, and is the only education resource to create such a student experience that is comprehensive and easy to navigate.

Pangea Learning has partnered with Preppy to present this online training course and has a shared mission to bring immersive, quality training to learners at an affordable cost. Pangea Learning and Preppy are making it possible to prepare for the emerging careers of today and tomorrow.

Outcomes Image